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Meet a Member – Sarah Godbehere
Data Center Construction Program Manager, Google

Sarah GodbehereSarah Godbehere is a Data Center Construction Project Manager with Google in Northern Virginia. She joined Google in June 2019 after completing her MBA from Gonzaga University.

Sarah had a variety of internships throughout her Bachelors in Engineering and MBA programs which exposed her to various aspects of the construction industry. This included estimating in heavy civil, working for an electrical subcontractor, and a field/office rotational internship on a data center site.

Data centers proved to be her niche as they combined her love for construction with her technical skills and engineering knowledge.

Involvement in 7×24 Exchange
After joining the data center industry, she quickly jumped into 7×24 Exchange, becoming a part of the DC chapter’s WiMCO steering committee and starting the Data Center Young Professionals group. Sarah’s efforts in these groups focus on expanding the types of events offered and improving engagement with individuals who bring in new perspectives to the industry. Specifically, she was inspired to start the Young Professionals group after attending several networking events where she felt unprepared and disconnected from the amount of experience and established relationships in the room. The Data Center Young Professionals of D.C., Maryland, and Virginia was created for developing meaningful professional relationships, growing the knowledge base of new folks in the industry, and establishing a robust network of supportive peers.