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Spring 2023 WAM Meeting Recap

Connect & Collaborate with WiMCO®

Spring 2023 WAM Meeting Recap
Connect & Collaborate with WiMCO

WiMCO Wam April 28, 2023
On Friday, April 28th the WiMCO® Alignment Meeting took place via Zoom. The session, moderated by Mary Glynn, EVP of Data Centers at TLM Group was attended by women and men in the data center industry. Panelists from various WiMCO Chapter Communities collaborated with attendees and shared strategies and helpful tips on advancing women in the industry.

Panelists from various WiMCO Chapter Communities collaborated with attendees and shared strategies and helpful tips on advancing women in the industry. Throughout the session WiMCO Community leaders presented Chapter WiMCO Community event plans, challenges, successes and more.

Overall, the session focused on being as collaborative as possible, having fun, and continuing to participate within 7×24 Exchange WiMCO events. At the end of the session, attendees participated in breakout rooms, shared experiences, discussed how they overcame difficult situations and provided suggestions for future programming.

The session closed with WiMCO Committee Chair Juli Ierulli, Vice President, 7×24 Exchange International, sharing upcoming WiMCO events, resources and contacts.