WiMCO Communities are available in these chapters.
Brittany Miller | brittany.miller@global.ntt
Heidi Storch | (678) 988-5886 | hstorch@duffeyse.com
The Carolinas
Amy Landis | (980) 297-1257 | amyla@dpr.com
Central Texas
Christine Ficke | (512) 810-3500 | christine.ficke@electralink.com
Michelle Reed | michelle.reed@shermco.com
Greater Philadelphia
Janine Repine | (610) 583-9640 | janine@sure-power.com
Greater Washington DC
Callie Gregory | (404) 667-7317| cgregory@holder.com
Lone Star
Amy Goldschmidt | (214) 608-9837 | amy.goldschmidt@saluteinc.com
Metro NY
Mary Glynn | (347) 599-3342 | mglynn@tlmgroup.com
Midwest – KC
Lana Veytia | (913) 928-2014 | lana.veytia@anxiter.com
New England
Sara Martin | smartin@hed.design
Northern California
Melanie Bird | (415) 795-0821 | mbird@DCS-datacenters.com
Ursula McCready | (253) 604-8477 | ursula@7x24northwest.org
Lori Ransbottom | (513) 457-7021 | lori@totalcablesolutions.com
Oregon & SW Washington
Melissa Rogers | (503) 708-2961 | melissar@zavtek.com
Texas South
Esmirna Arteaga | (832) 651-3417 | esmirna.arteaga@yondrgroup.com
If you would like to add your WiMCO event to our calendar, announce it on social media, etc., simply fill out our Chapter Post Form.